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Kuwait has Deported Over 100 Expats Per Day so Far in 2023: Report

Kuwait has deported over 25,000 expats between January and 19 August of this year, averaging 108 individuals each day, according to a report on Friday by Arabian Business. The mass deportation is said to be part of efforts by the Kuwaiti authorities to crackdown on those found to be...

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Coups d’état in Africa a Coup de grâce for Democracy?

Toronto, Atlanta (5/9 – 50) An objective appraisal of representative democracy around the planet would conclude that it is in rather a poor condition – at least when held up and compared to an ideal. Singapore has been ruled in a mildly authoritarian manner by the same party since...

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Report: Israel Attacked Syria 25 Times this Year

Israel has attacked Syria 25 times since the beginning of the year, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported yesterday. Eighteen of the attacks were aerial and seven were ground-to-ground, with 60 targets hit throughout Syria and 61 people killed, the report said. Damascus was bombed...

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Qatar PM Says His Country Doesn’t ‘Have a War with Israel’

Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani has stated that his country does not “have a war with Israel,” and reiterated Doha’s support for the Saudi-led 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which offered recognition of Israel in return for Palestinian statehood and withdrawal...

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Regime Shelling Kills 2 Civilians in Syria’s Idlib

Two civilians were killed and five others injured in regime shelling in Idlib province in northwestern Syria, according to local sources, Anadolu reports. The attack targeted the town of Kansafra by regime forces and allied militias stationed in southern Idlib, the sources with the White...

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