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Thousands of Migrants Stranded in Niger Because of Border Closures

After three months of crossing the desert and then watching other migrants die at sea in his failed attempt to reach Europe, Sahr John Yambasu gave up on getting across the Mediterranean and decided to go back home. The 29-year-old from Sierra Leone reached Niger in June on his return...

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Q&A: How Do Europe’s Sweeping Rules for Tech Giants Work?

Google, Facebook, TikTok and other Big Tech companies operating in Europe must comply with one of the most far-reaching efforts to clean up what people see online. The European Union’s groundbreaking new digital rules took effect Friday for the biggest platforms. The Digital Services Act...

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Elseddik Haftar, Libya’s hope for a new beginning or same old?

Brussels (12/09 – 18.18) Elseddik Haftar, eldest son of eastern Libyan strong man Khalifa Haftar said on Monday he was open to a presidential bid, but cautioned that nationwide elections in the OPEC member could only occur if the country was stable and a new unified government was in...

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Niger Junta Orders French Ambassador to Leave 

Niger’s junta, which seized power in a coup on July 26, said on Friday it had ordered French Ambassador Sylvain Itte to leave the country within 48 hours, as relations between the West African country and its former colonial ruler deteriorated further. Like recent coups in...

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