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Top US General Cautions Over Risks in a Long Gaza War

A faster resolution to the fighting in Gaza could help limit civilian strife that might spur people to join the ranks of militant groups, US President Joe Biden’s top military adviser said, Reuters reports. General Charles Q. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said...

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1,600 Israeli Soldiers Left Disabled by War on Gaza

Israeli Army Radio quoted the Israeli Disabled Veterans Association as saying that since 7 October, 1,600 army soldiers have been left physically disabled. The association expected to receive thousands of people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after fighting in Gaza...

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Cyprus Outlines Plan for Maritime Corridor to Get Aid to Gaza

The President of Cyprus outlined a proposal, on Thursday, to open a maritime corridor to help deliver more aid to Gaza, a plan which he said could be operational quickly but which diplomats said faced challenges, Reuters reports. Under the plan presented by President Nikos...

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