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‘window of Opportunity’ is Beckoning for He in Africa

African universities should make the most of their current ‘window of opportunity’ to access part of the €150 billion (US$163 billion) that the European Union (EU) agreed to invest in the continent last year, says Peter Maassen, a professor in higher education studies at the University of...

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Stock Market Extends Bearish Run With 0.05% Loss

Bearish sentiments took the centrestage of activities at the Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) Thursday, as its All-share Index (ASI) tumbled  0.05 percent at the close of trading activities extending the markets losing streak to five consecutive sessions.  Consequently, investors’ wealth...

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Malawi’s Cyclone Toll to Reach 1,200 as Hopes Fade

The death toll from Cyclone Freddy in Malawi is slated to surpass 1,200 after authorities said Thursday hundreds of missing people would be declared dead as hopes of finding survivors fade. Freddy dumped six months’ worth of rainfall on southern Malawi in six days earlier this month...

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Sexual Challenges Aren’t the Problem!

Here’s an experience that a lady shared with me not long ago. “I have lived without penetrative sex for over five years and it’s not easy. “I am just 47 years old! “My husband is suffering from diabetes and it has knocked ‘his engine’ completely. “It cannot even stand. “We were advised to...

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Nigeria’s Catfish Farming Industry Boosted by Canning Innovation

African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) farming has become a popular agricultural business sector in Nigeria. This is because the species can adapt to a wide range of temperatures and to low oxygen and low salinity levels. Salinity refers to the salt content of water. And the fish matures in...

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