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EU launches debate on economic security with eye on China

The European Union executive presented on Tuesday its economic security plan which seeks to convince the bloc’s 27 states to agree stronger controls on exports and outflows of technologies that could be put to military use by rivals like China. The European Commission sees exporting...

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Controlling “The Narrative” by Opposing “Digital Repression”

Coordinating the snarl of “alphabet agencies” in the American intelligence community, the “Office of the Director of National Intelligence” instructed the “National Intelligence Council” to prepare “an assessment of the implications of governments’ use of the Internet and other digital...

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EU consumer protection groups urge governments to investigate AI

A coalition of watchdog groups in the EU urged governments to assess the risks and vulnerabilities consumers are subjected to due to generative AI. Consumer protection groups from the European Union have urged regulators to conduct investigations on artificial intelligence (AI) models...

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