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How Much did EU Governments Spend on Fire Protection?

In 2021 general government total expenditure in EU countries on fire protection services’ amounted to €34.1 billion, representing a 2.5% increase compared with 2020. The share in general government total expenditure was 0.5%. Overall, in the EU, government expenditure on fire protection services as a share of overall total expenditure remained stable at around 0.4 – 0.5% since the beginning of the time series in 2001.

The share of government expenditure on fire protection as a ratio of total expenditure varies among EU countries. In 2021, Lithuania and Romania had the highest share of expenditure on fire protection services with 0.7% of total expenditure, followed by Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany, Estonia, Greece and Luxembourg with 0.6%. 

In contrast, Denmark reported the lowest share of expenditure on fire protection services in total expenditure at 0.1%, followed by Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Portugal and Slovenia, all with 0.3%.

Source : ec.europe.eu
